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7 eenvoudige lessen om de transitie naar circulaire economie te maken

Promotieonderzoek en Nevi whitepaper van dr Petra Neessen (Open Universiteit). Bekijk de video en log in voor het volledige bericht en whitepaper,

  • 13-11-2020

De impact van Inkopend Nederland op de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

In augustus/ september 2020 heeft het Nevi-Team van Deskundigen Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Inkopen (MVI). Hieronder de volledige survey.

  • 19-10-2020

Machinebouwer en toeleverancier; een gespannen huwelijk

De hechte relatie tussen bouwers van industriële machines en hun toeleveranciers staat onder druk. De conjunctuur zit tegen, bedrijven staan voor kostbare investeringen in technologie en de onbalans in de machtsverhoudingen in de keten neemt toe. Een oplossing is het beter op elkaar afstemmen van de verwachtingen in elke fase van de productie.

  • 02-10-2020

Skilled Procurement - the differentiation of skills within different aspects of purchasing

With the evolution of the purchasing function from operational to strategic and from being purely cost focused to an important contributor to value creation in an organization (in terms of e.g., quality, innovation, sustainability, etc.), purchasing professionals need a differentiated and extended skill set.

  • 15-06-2020

Strategic Purchasing - A Technology Perspective

Technologies have, are and will change the way we live and do business. While according toKPMG (2016) one of the future scenarios of purchasing shows that this might mean the ‘death’ ofthe procurement function, less pessimistic views outline the potential that technology has to facilitate operational tasks so that purchasers can focus on their key roles and responsibilities.

  • 15-06-2020

Unpacking pricing models - Kate Vitasek & Michele Flynn

YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FORPerhaps no other topic creates as much apprehension between a buyer and a supplier as negotiating a fair price for a product or service. The conventional procurement process puts buyers and sellers on opposite sides of the table until the parties “get to yes.

  • 20-12-2019

PURCHASING INNOVATION - The role of Strategic Purchasing in New Product Development

Innovation of products and services has become a critical competitive factor in many industries. New product development (NDP) can happen within the boundaries of a firm, however, often innovation is the result of a network effort. As such more and more organizations either purchase innovations from suppliers or develop it in collaboration with suppliers.

  • 12-06-2019


As the cover of our book demonstrates, global sourcing is not something new. Today more than ever, though, national culture plays an important role in the way it is carried out. Our book elaborates on this topic, making the connection between purchasing theories and national aspects that might influence them.

  • 12-06-2019
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