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Sourcing Business Models

Sourcing Business Models (SBM) are the newest development in SRM to classify your supplier relationships and hands-on ways to structure your cooperation.

Follow a Sourcing Business Models training course

Developing and applying business models fit for 21st Century sourcing has long been overdue. Building on research published in 2015 by professor Kate Vitasek of the University of Tennessee (and co-authors) there is now a new approach to strategic sourcing in the new economy: Sourcing Business Models (SBM). 

By selecting the right Sourcing Business Model for your situation ou can increase organisational value from your suppliers, and by effectively applying SBM concepts to your categories, you will be able to structure, manage and develop optimised supplier and stakeholder relationships.

In this video Professor Kate Vitasek explains Sourcing Business Models.

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Sourcing Business Models: Transactional, Relational, Investment

Nevi is Center of Excellence for Sourcing Business Models

As Nevi we have a close relationship with Kate Vitasek already for a couple of years. Since we are one of the leading procurement management organisations in the world we are very keen on constantly developing our expertise in the field of procurement and supply management in order to help you get the most out of your supplier relationships. Therefore, we have adopted the methodology of Kate Vitasek and the University of Tennessee on the strategic sourcing in the new economy and particularly the Vested Outsourcing methodology, and are proud to be, together with Hi!Mindset, a Center of Excellence (CoE)!

The Vested approach: one of the Relational Sourcing Business Models

Vested® is one of the Sourcing Business Models. It is a methodology, mindset and movement for creating highly collaborative business relationships that enable true win-win relationships in which both parties are equally committed to each other’s success. When applied, a Vested approach fosters an environment that sparks innovation, resulting in improved service, reduced costs and value that didn’t exist before — for both parties.

Vested is based on award-winning research conducted by the University of Tennessee College of Business Administration and funded by the U.S. Air Force. 

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Sourcing Business Models training programmes and tools at Nevi

Incompany trainingen

Did you know that all our training courses are also offered in-company? Follow a strategic purchasing training with your team at your location. You not only effectively follow the training, you are also involved in team building and you save travel costs and time. Read more about our in-company training courses.

Training programmes


KYOS - Commodity tool

Want to engage in procurement with the cutting edge of a stock trader? Manage your procurement risks with the Nevi-Kyos Commodity Tool.

  • Easy-access market information for analysing commodity prices
  • Day prices for base metals, Dutch energy, wheat, corn, sugar, cocoa and coffee
  • Templates for standard analyses and simulations