
KYOS - Commodity tool

Want to engage in procurement with the cutting edge of a stock trader? The Nevi Kyos Commodity Tool will help you do that. This tool offers current day prices for base metals, Dutch energy prices, wheat, corn, sugar, cocoa and coffee. Manage your procurement risks with the Nevi-Kyos Commodity Tool

  • Easy-access market information for analysing commodity prices
  • Day prices for base metals, Dutch energy, wheat, corn, sugar, cocoa and coffee
  • Templates for standard analyses and simulations

Practical information

The Nevi Commodity Tool is a powerful application that gives you immediate insights into the commodities market. It lets you manage risks such as price fluctuations, volatility and availability. The tool is an efficient resource for procurement professionals who want reliable day prices for EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, Gas (NL TFF), Energy (NL), Aluminium, Copper, Nickel, Tin, reinforced Steel, Corn (#2 USA and Matif EU, NY), Coffee (Arabica and Robusta), Wheat (CBOT USA and Matif Europe), Sugar (#11) and Rapeseed (Matif Europe).

The advanced technology enables you to make your own analyses. With standard templates, you can instantly retrieve helpful information on screen. Always tailored to your specific circumstances. You can also run simulations before making your procurement decision. View a brief demo below:

Click on ‘Order’ to order the Nevi Commodity Tool. You’ll receive confirmation, followed within 5 business days by your login details for the Nevi Commodity Tool.

In cooperation with Kyos, we can also offer an upgrade to a customised environment. Want to know more? E-mail us at

KYOS - Commodity tool

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