René van den Hoven
Private sector
Your organization, whether public or private, is facing major challenges. Procurement must continuously respond to calls for higher quality, innovation, sustainability and cost reduction, where the x-factor of the successes is more and more determined by your human capital that is on top of it. Indeed, knowledge, skills and pro-activity of the employees you guide, facilitate and motivate is becoming systemic and vital for business impact!
Too often development plans are based on intuition. Our R-CEPt™ approach (Roadmap to Competence Excellence in Procurement) aims to set out a more systematic roadmap. With advanced development scans that map knowledge, skills and behaviour of individual employees and the team as a whole. These scans provide objective insights into the impact strength and potential of the entire procurement function.
Your procurement-team should be able to add value on various levels. And that’s why setting a clear goal following the R-CEPt™ method is so forceful to step up the efforts and to bridge the gap between vision and ambition and implementation. This first step in the R-CEPt™ method provides a concrete, clear goal for your procurement team.
Once the goals are defined, we’ll look at where you are standing now. The Individual Development Scan provides insight into knowledge, skill and behavioural sets (habits and customs) of your team members. Next, the Organizational Development Scan records the current situation and determines the various opportunities. And by using the third scan, the Change Development Scan, you determine the ability to adapt to change, and get a better grip of the weak and strong points.
The outcome of these three analyses provides you with a wealth of information: on current knowledge levels, skills and behaviour of individual employees as well as on their place in the development cycles. As a result you will get better input for the exercise of participatory team membership in procurement maternity of the organization, and will grasp more about strategic staffing.
E.g. to offer the colleagues opportunities for development, helping them to translate goals and objectives into feasible and quick wins for themselves and for the organization.
Next we focus on increasing knowledge, on deepening skills and on changing behaviour. E-CEPt™ offers tailor-made development plans for individual employees as well as for the teams. Regular teaching and development interventions ensure furthermore that results achieved are secured.
R-CEPt™ is a proven method to make best practices common practices. To make it most concrete we regularly compare the investments made in customized development programs with the outcomes of your pre-defined objectives and agreed job objectives.
The R-CEPt™ method consists of a whole number of steps, elements and analyses. It is quite conceivable that you already apply one or more of these. You may even have a good understanding of the maturity levels of your procurement already. Or you may already have competencies and employee development in sharp focus.
With the right combination of knowledge, skill sets and behaviour you can really accomplish a huge business impact and effectiveness – along the way turning procurement into a centre of excellence. Nevi therefore develops and organizes procurement and supply chain trainings that ensure new initiatives that all are planned and implemented in a coherent, consistent and mutually (staff) reinforcing way.
They include:
On three levels of competence:
All these competencies are reflected in the Nevi building blocks, which stand for different products and training courses. At the same time we offer further development of competencies at the three different levels, so that these indeed result in the effects we aim for at that level. It means we tailor all these building blocks to individual and group needs (personal and group L&D-development plans) and to your business goals.
The Nevi Building Blocks are:
We’d be happy to oblige! Our experts look forward to making an obligation-free introductory appointment with you.
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