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Whitepaper 7 voorwaarden voor effectief leveranciersmanagement

12 Ailments of Strategic Sourcing and Supplier Management (and how to prevent them)

Today’s contract management professionals face more global, complex, and outsourced supplier relationships than ever before. This 37 pages paper is written bij Kate Vitasek and Emmanuel Cambresy.

Inkoop sociaal domein - nog 4 hordes te gaan

Circular Procurement - the ins and outs

More and more companies and organisations are recognising that the old, linear economic model of ‘mine raw materials - make - use - discard’ is no longer sustainable. Rapidly scrapping products and destroying raw materials and parts is harmful to the environment and our society. Among other ills, this model leads to price increases, continuity problems and a waste ‘mountain’.

Leveranciersselectie voorafgaand aan een Vested contract: hoe werkt dat?

Creativity in Purchasing: 5 Myths purchasers should know about

Creativity appears to be a powerful ally in an increasingly complex and fast-changing business environment. In the recent Future of Jobs Report released by the World Economic Forum, creativity has risen in the top 10 of skills needed in 2020 versus 2015 from number 10 to number 3 – only surpassed by critical thinking and complex problem-solving. Written by Nadine Kiratli, Assistent Professor Maastricht University

Een blauwdruk voor succesvolle inkoopteams

Best Value Procurement: The seven most recent insights of BVP

The growing popularity of Best Value in the Netherlands has also led to increasing judicialisation. Remarkably, the project capability criterion is often misused. In this white paper, Jeroen van de Rijt reviews the latest insights presented at the recent annual Best Value event in the United States.   

12 Kwaaltjes van leveranciersmanagement…. en hoe ze te voorkomen

The 5 pillars of successful Contract management

Many contracts do not deliver what was expected. It happens to businesses all the time: a contract has been signed and yet things still go wrong during implementation. Many contracts do not deliver what was expected. Procurement locates the value things like low costs, value creation, fit-to-purpose, legal-fit and/or risk management –but the company does not receive these benefits.   

Future-proof procurement: wees onderdeel van de grote inkooptransformatie

Effective Cost reduction: A new perspective

There are various ways to reduce costs. Procurement is often only concerned with reducing the purchase price, while substantial savings can be achieved by reducing total costs across the entire supply chain. If you really want to cut costs, you should consider replacing your Chief Procurement Officer with a Chief Value Officer. The main task of a CVO is to create maximum value throughout the supply chain at the lowest possible cost.

In 7 stappen grip op contractmanagement in sociaal domein

Future-proof procurement: be part of the big transformation

How do young procurement professionals perceive their future and that of their profession? Will they, due to the increasing uptake of new technologies, basically become relationship managers? Or data analysts? Or — and this too is a realistic prospect — will they become obsolete?

Circulair inkopen: durf te vragen en uit te dagen

Procurement & Blockchain. The perfect match?

Expectations are high and the posibilities appear endless. Blockchain records transactions. It cannot be falsified and it is universally accessible. It makes communication between people or machines a great deal easier. And much faster. That sounds promising. Expectations are high and the posibilities appear endless. But what can procurement use it for in practice? And what concrete applications can we expect to see?

Inkoop & Blockchain. the perfect match?

How are you responsible for the world we live in?

ISO 20400 can help all organisations to make a positive contribution. Find out how professional and responsible procurement contributes to a sustainable world.

Effectieve kostenreductie: een nieuw perspectief

Effective collaboration: Three steps towards effective collaboration in successful projects

Differences in perception between the client and the contractor can severely impact the results of complex collaborations and projects. PhD candidate Christian van der Krift and Professor Arjan van Weele from Eindhoven University of Technology explain why this is and what you can do about it.

Verandermanagement zonder weerstand

Change management without resistance

Change processes in organisations call for the employees involved to change their behaviour. So says Arend Ardon, consultant and author of management books such as ‘Break the Cycle!’ and ‘Ontketen vernieuwing!’ [Unchain renewal!]. He is one of the lecturers in NEVI’s Procurement Leadership Programme aimed at providing managers with insight into team behaviour.

Wat is jouw verantwoordelijkheid naar onze wereld toe? - ISO 20400

Why choose a performance contract?

A rundown of all the facts, questions and answers. Performance Contracts, or Performance-Based Contracts/Contracting (PBC) are very much in the spotlight. A lot of organisations expect to make increasing use of them. At the same time, there is limited experience with these kinds of contracts. And existing performance contracts often turn out not to be performance contracts at all. 

Waarom kiezen voor een prestatiecontract? De feiten, vragen en antwoorden op 'n rijtje

What Sourcing Business Models can do for you

Procurement professionals and suppliers have to create more value together. These are the words of Kate Vitasek, one of the speakers at the upcoming International Supply Management Congress. In her latest book, she presents procurement as a series of straightforward procurement transactions on the one hand, and complex strategic relationships on the other.

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