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Model Agreement for (Medical) Investment Goods

The Model Agreement for (Medical) Investment Goods is a standard contract and offers a practical and balanced basis for the purchase and delivery of medical equipment and investment goods. The agreement was developed by the Federation of Medical Technology Companies (FMed) - in collaboration with Nevi Zorg.

Nevi Zorg attaches great importance to this agreement because:

  • Uniformity: It ensures consistency in contractual agreements, which makes transactions more efficient and prevents misunderstandings.
  • Fairness: The agreement balances the interests of both the buyer and the supplier, with clear and fair conditions.
  • Risk management: By using standard provisions for installation, transfer of ownership, risk, liability, and termination, the risk for both parties is minimized.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Using a standard model saves time in negotiations and legal costs.

If you have any comments or ideas, we would like to hear them via This way we can further improve the conditions, explanations and modules. In the event of any conflict between AIVG 2022 and the modules and the respective explanations, the former will of course take precedence and we would also like to hear about the conflict via

If you have any comments or ideas, we would love to hear them via This way, we can further improve the conditions, explanations, and modules.


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The model agreement is intended for all parties involved in the purchase and delivery of medical investment goods, such as hospitals, clinics, and suppliers of medical equipment.
Yes, the agreement can be modified to reflect specific situations. However, the core provisions are intended to remain intact to maintain the objectives of uniformity and fairness.
Although the agreement is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended by Nevi Healthcare and FMed to ensure a level playing field and to avoid legal complications.
Both Nevi Healthcare and FMed offer support and can assist organizations with the implementation and adaptation of the agreement to specific needs.
The link below takes you to the general document with frequently asked questions about the Model Agreement for (medical) Investment Goods. Open the PDF with FAQ's

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