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The General Purchasing Conditions for Healthcare (GPC) are a set of standard conditions used in the Netherlands for the procurement of products and services within the healthcare sector. Here is an explanation of what it entails, why it's important, and how it works.
The General Purchasing Conditions, in the Netherlands the Algemene inkoopvoorwaarden Gezondheidszorg (AIVG) provides general conditions that offer legal, administrative, and sometimes technical guidelines for the purchase of goods and services by healthcare institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, and other care providers. The AIVG is intended to standardize and simplify the relationship between the purchasing party (healthcare institution) and the supplier.
The AIVG and the modules are developed by working groups from various healthcare organizations and suppliers under the direction of Nevi Zorg (Healthcare). The umbrella organizations ActiZ, the Dutch GGZ, the Dutch Association of Hospitals (NVZ), the Association of Dutch Disability Care Organizations (VGN), and the largest purchasing cooperatives endorse the AIVG. As a result, the conditions are widely supported and up-to-date.
If you have any comments or ideas, we would love to hear them via zorg@nevi.nl. This way, we can further improve the conditions, explanations, and modules. In case of any discrepancies between AIVG 2022 and the modules and their respective explanations, the former naturally takes precedence, and we would also like to be informed of any such discrepancies via zorg@nevi.nl.
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